
What is Curve DAO Token (CRV)?

Crypto CRV is one of the newest coins on the market. It came to life thanks to the Curve exchange created in 2020 and belongs to the quickly evolving DeFi ecosystem. The name of the founder of this venture is Michael Egorov. Below, you will find detailed information on this promising venture as well as valuable investment tips.

About the CRV coin

Its circulation began at the end of summer 2020. It was created as the governance token for the decentralized autonomous organization of Curve. But it has three additional functions as well: It doubles as a fee payment method It can be used for incentives; liquidity providers will be able to make a profit on it in the long run In November 2020, the market capitalization of the coin reached $66 578 509. Its total supply counted 1 367 212 847 CRV, and its circulating supply equaled 115 827 219 CRV. After all the tokens are unlocked, the total supply will reach 3.03 bln. 5% of this amount will be stored as the community reserve, 3% will be distributed among employees, 30% will belong to shareholders, and the rest will go to liquidity providers.

What is Curve DAO Token (CRV)?

Reasons to buy CRV on P2B

Available on trades
The prices here are always kept at a competitive level.
There would always be enough supply.
95% of funds are stored in cold wallets so that hackers can not get hold of them.
Referral program
P2B features a generous referral program that allows you to earn money by inviting new users to the platform.
The platform is exceptionally user-friendly and its interface is intuitive.
Users Support
If you have any questions regarding creating an account, trading assets, transfers from e-wallets, payment fees, or other aspects, the 24/7 multilingual support will eagerly help you.

Arguments for purchasing CRV

buy CRV

Among all the diverse cryptocurrencies that you might have considered investing in, this one should deserve your attention for the following reasons:

  1. Curve differentiates itself from other decentralized exchanges thanks to the fact that they support only stablecoins. It gives the platform a competitive edge.
  2. Liquidity is managed not by a conventional human specialist but by an automated market maker (AMM). Today, it's known as a meaningful innovation.
  3. Since the project relies on DAO, token holders (including you!) can participate in its governance.
  4. Generating income with the help of CRV is simple: the longer you own it, the larger your reward. If you are interested in receiving active profit as well, you can make money by providing liquidity.

Plus, the DeFi ecosystem is highly likely to flourish in the next few years and considerably expand its user base. It should have a positive impact on the Curve as well.